FATTY Meat Sticks Review: Top Snack Choice?

Snacking on the go has always been a bit of a conundrum, especially if you hold nutrition to a high standard. Well, we’ve just munched on the American Made Sweetwood Smokehouse’s FATTY Meat Sticks, and it’s safe to say they’ve raised the bar. Their blend of grass-fed beef and pork, infused with black pepper, garlic, and chunks of cheddar, hits all the right flavor notes.

We found these sticks to be the perfect companion during various activities, from enduring long office hours to embarking on outdoor adventures. They’re reassuringly free from gluten, MSG, and nitrites, so you’re snacking as clean as it gets. It’s a genuine treat for those monitoring their carb intake without sacrificing satisfaction.

FATTY Meat Sticks, Grass-Fed Beef, High Protein Snack, Low Carb, Gluten Free, MSG Free, Nitrate Free, Original & Cheddar Flavor, 2 Ounce (Pack of 20)

FATTY Meat Sticks

If you’re contemplating a high-protein, responsibly sourced bite, here’s something that doesn’t compromise on taste. And with a pack of 20, your snack drawer is set for a while, or the pack is ready to be shared as a heartwarming, flavorful gift.

Bottom Line

For those seeking a delicious, health-conscious snacking option, the FATTY Meat Sticks are a standout choice.

Their commitment to quality ingredients and a great taste profile is worth embracing.

Elevate your snack game by clicking here to get your hands on these savory treats.

Overview of FATTY Meat Sticks

Recently, we had the chance to snack on some FATTY Meat Sticks and let’s just say, they didn’t disappoint. American Made Sweetwood Smokehouse has managed to create a product that stands out, particularly for those who prioritize responsibly sourced ingredients. With grass-fed beef and no antibiotics, it’s obvious that there’s a focus on quality.

The sticks themselves are a savory blend of beef and pork, peppered with spices, mild sugar notes, and generous chunks of cheddar that provide a delicious complexity to the palate. The absence of gluten, MSG, artificial colors, and flavors makes these strips a surprisingly wholesome indulgence.

It’s apparent why these sticks are a hit among the protein-conscious crowd. They’re an excellent companion for anyone with an on-the-go lifestyle who doesn’t want to compromise on nutrition or taste. As a bonus, they double as a thoughtful gourmet gift for nearly any occasion.

While the size and richness are a big win, some might find them a tad too indulgent if they’re watching their fat intake closely. On balance, we found these meat sticks are well worth the try for their flavorful punch and top-notch ingredients.

Key Features

Grass-Fed and Antibiotic-Free Beef and Pork

We appreciate that the meat used in these sticks comes from grass-fed beef and pork, which is raised without the use of antibiotics. This approach not only reflects a commitment to animal welfare but also to the health of consumers who are becoming increasingly conscious about what goes into their food.

Natural Ingredients and Flavorful Spices

These meat sticks are a testament to the power of natural ingredients combined with flavorful spices. The inclusion of black pepper, garlic, and chunks of cheddar cheese create a tempting taste profile. The mild sweetness hinted in every bite adds to the overall appeal, which we’ve found to be quite a satisfying palate experience.

Convenient High-Protein Snack Option

For those of us leading busy lives or for the fitness enthusiasts among us, these sticks fit perfectly as a convenient, high-protein snack. The low-carb nature makes them an ideal choice for anyone monitoring their intake, and the meaty goodness serves as an effective energy booster during a hectic day or after a workout.

Ideal for Gifts and Occasions

Gifting can often be a challenge, but these meat sticks can easily slide into any curated gift basket, especially for those who enjoy a touch of savory in their life. The variety pack we tried had an original and cheddar flavor that was well-received and would undoubtedly please anyone on occasions like Father’s Day, or as a thoughtful gesture to a friend.

Pros and Cons

Having had the chance to snack on these FATTY Meat Sticks, we’ve cultivated quite the perspective on what makes them stand out and areas where they might fall short for some consumers.


  • High-Quality Ingredients: One of the most appealing aspects of these meat sticks is their use of grass-fed beef and pork that’s raised without the use of antibiotics, offering a cleaner and more natural taste that’s immediately noticeable.
  • Rich Flavor Profile: Every bite delivers a satisfying savoriness, with an appetizing blend of black pepper, garlic, and chunks of cheddar cheese that’s sure to gratify taste buds looking for a punch of flavor.
  • Health-Conscious Snacking: With no gluten, MSG, artificial colors, or flavors, these sticks are a sound choice for those mindful of what they consume. Plus, the absence of nitrites and nitrates is a bonus for health-focused individuals.
  • Convenient Protein Boost: We found these sticks to be an excellent source of on-the-go protein, fitting seamlessly into our busy lifestyles whether we were hitting the gym or needing a quick office snack.
  • Snack Size: The generous sizing of each stick means you’re getting considerable value for money, and it can be quite filling, making it more than just a light snack.


  • Price Point: For some, the cost may be a barrier, especially when compared to more affordable snacking options available at convenience stores or supermarkets.
  • Fat Content: While delicious, the higher fat content could be a concern for those who are carefully monitoring their dietary intake of fats.
  • Flavor may not suit all: The strong taste, particularly the original and cheddar flavors, might not align with everyone’s palate, especially if you prefer milder or more traditional meat snacks.
  • Packaging Bulk: The pack of 20 could be seen as too much for those who prefer to buy in smaller quantities or like to vary their snack choices often.

Customer Reviews

We’ve spent time grazing through various opinions on the FATTY Meat Sticks and have found that many customers are pleased with their purchase. The general consensus highlights the superior quality of these grass-fed beef snacks. They are lauded for being a substantial and satisfying option, especially for those needing a high-protein, low-carb bite on the go.

From our experience, the original and cheddar flavors offer a delectable taste that stands out from other meat sticks on the market. Although some might find the price point slightly higher compared to other snacks, users justify the cost with the product’s quality and size. We can’t help but acknowledge that they are indeed “fatty” in the best sense—offering a sizable portion that can easily replace a meal during a hectic day.

A few mentions bring up the fat content, but this doesn’t seem to deter customers, who willingly embrace it as part of their indulgence. What’s notably appreciated is the commitment to being MSG and nitrate-free, catering to health-conscious snackers. Whether for a quick breakfast replacement or a satiating snack, these meat sticks have certainly carved out their fan base. Our take: if you’re hunting for a robust snack without the additives, these sticks might just hit the spot.

How to Enjoy FATTY Meat Sticks

When hunger strikes and we’re on the move, we’ve found the FATTY meat sticks to be a lifesaver. Tucking into these savory snacks reveals a rich blend of grass-fed beef and pork, peppered with real chunks of cheddar, giving a luxurious twist to the typical meat stick experience. Their impressive shelf-stable convenience means we can toss a few into backpacks or glove compartments, confident we’ll be rewarded with a flavorful and nourishing bite no matter where we are.

But let’s talk specifics. Enjoying them is as simple as peeling open a stick for a quick protein boost at work or slicing them up as a gourmet addition to a hiking trail mix. Sometimes, we even elevate our snack game by pairing them with crisp apple slices or almonds for contrasting flavors and textures. As for breakfast, they’ve replaced many rushed morning meals, seamlessly fitting into our busy lives with their rich, satiating quality.

While they don’t contain artificial flavors or colors and are gluten-free, their fat content is something to be mindful of, which reminds us—balance is key. However, whether you’ve just wrapped up a workout or simply need a satisfying snack, it’s clear that their sheer tastiness and nutritional value make them a solid snack choice.


After thoroughly enjoying these meat sticks, we’re impressed by the combination of convenience and taste that they offer. Their portability has been a life-saver on our busiest days, allowing us to have a satisfying snack without resorting to less wholesome options. We appreciate the commitment to quality, with grass-fed beef and the absence of MSG, gluten, and nitrates being a deciding factor for our health-conscious preferences.

It’s true that they don’t come cheap, but the substantial size and rich flavor of these sticks justify the price—we’ve found them to be an excellent meal replacement when time is tight. While the fat content may give some pause, it’s important to remember that they’re meant to be filling and energy-sustaining, which they accomplish admirably.

The feedback from other users echoes our sentiments, praising both the taste and the quality. Whether for a breakfast on-the-go or a midday boost, these Fatty Meat Sticks have become a staple for us, and we confidently recommend them to anyone seeking a tasty, high-quality protein snack.